Herbora Green Tea

The Zesty Shield

The Zesty Shield - Lemongrass Ginger Green Tea Protective Pain Reliever Uplift your sensory experience with this zesty citrusy cup of healing crafted to boost your immunity.


The Spice Power

The Spice Power - Detox Green Tea Revitalizing Metabolism Delicate flavour of green tea and aroma of exotic spices rebooting you mind and body.


The Ruby Tingle

The Ruby Tingle – Hibiscus Spearmint Green Tea Antioxidant and Rejuvenating Jumpstart your day with this beautiful ruby steep which is delightful and invigorating.


The Golden Healer

The Golden Healer - Turmeric Liquorice Green Tea Healing and Restorative Musky blend of golden spice and sweetwood coming together to bring you the wonder drink.


The Blush Fix

The Blush Fix - Rose Green Tea Soothing and Therapeutic Pleases your senses with its velvety texture and right amount of floral sweetness.


Herbal Super Heroes

Herbal Super Heroes - Fennel Dill Green Tea Cooling and Digestive A great after meal savory refreshing and digestive. Together with green tea, fennel and dill works wonders for weight management
